What are groups at MCC?

We believe that we are called to love one another. Love doesn’t happen in isolation; love happens in community. And groups are the primary place that we experience community at Maryland. Groups are where we learn more about who God is, voice our doubts and questions, experience support of other Christians and build the connections that help us to do life with one another.


You are invited to jump into a fun-filled, Bible Study for 4 weeks in the month of June. Mark Gallagher will lead us through the book of Titus in a study called "Doing What is Good". This will be a great time to get to know some other people, and grow in your knowledge of Scripture. Summer Session will be held each Wednesday night in the month of June at MCC 12 Points. We will kick off on Wednesday, June 5th at 6:30pm.

For questions related to groups at MCC, please email Dan Gisel at dgisel@mccth.org